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Women's Ministry
Shadow of His Wings offers a variety of services for women. It is our hope that women can come to know more about Christ, their walk with Him, and allow Him to fully heal their hearts.
Journey to JoyA Healing Retreat for Wives of Sex Addicts
Journey to Joy is about hope, healing and restoration. We know that given a choice, you would have never chosen the road you are on. Many times you may feel isolated or alone. Please know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Journey to Joy offers a place for wives to come and meet other wives who are experiencing similar pain. You will hear testimonies from wives who have been RIGHT where you are and who are now at a place of peace in their own lives and in their marriages. We are happy to come to you and provide this retreat if you are interested.
Counseling for Sexual Abuse
Individual Counseling - Counseling face-to-face is an excellent way to find the wounds in the heart that prevent total freedom and understanding of the full love of Christ. Experiencing sexual abuse as a child can be a devastating wound that leaves the heart lonely, isolated, and damaged.
Walking through the pain of sexual abuse with a counselor/pastor who understands the devastating effects of sexual abuse can help cleanse the heart. Finding those dark and forgotten wounds of sexual abuse can offer a new, complete understanding of both love of Christ and His love for us. The Courageous Journey Retreat for Women This retreat is designed for women who have experienced molestation as a child or have experienced sexual violence at some point in their lives.Additionally, this retreat will work with other types of sexual brokenness such as pornography use, sexual anorexia, and general sexual brokenness. It is a safe, confidential place to discuss the wounds of abuse in a save retreat setting where each member can realize they are not alone. Contact 210-274-2244 today for details. |
The Same-sex attracted womanThe Journey to Freedom Retreat for Unwanted SSA
Women seeking to find freedom from same-sex attraction can find shepherds, counselors, and pastors that are available to assist in their healing journey. It is our full belief that God provides absolute healing and hope for those struggling to overcome their same-sex attractions. It is our foundational understanding that God offers healing for homosexual sin because you were "not born that way." God is a God of great love and compassion and is available to those struggling with homosexuality. He loves those seeking freedom as well as those who are unsure yet whether they desire freedom. If you are unsure, interested in at least talking, or just want to know more about Jehovah God, our Hope, Shadow of His Wings offers a safe, non-judgmental place to seek out the wisdom of God and the truths He holds. We fully trust Him to show you His love and help you find His best for you regarding your sexuality. We hope you are at least willing to begin the journey - we are here for you |